The studio was founded in 1997 by Filip Blažek. Since then, he has collaborated with a number of talented professionals.

Filip Blažek
He has been working in graphic design since 1993. In 2000 he graduated at Charles University, Prague. He is the author of Typokniha and co-author of Praktická typografie (Practical Typography), and a regular contributor to professional periodicals. He was a founder and member of the editorial board of Typo🔗 magazine and the 365typo🔗 project. Since 1999, he has been giving lectures on type design and graphic design for the professional public. He teaches at The Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague and at ARCHIP. He is a member of the international organization ATypI🔗 and a founding member of the Czech Graphic Design Union🔗.
Long-term collaborators
Jan Dobeš
Jan studied Kommunikationsdesign at the Fachhochschule Potsdam🔗. He focuses on book graphics and printed products in general, on the creation and application of corporate identity. He completed an internship at the Portuguese studio R2 design🔗. For the studio he designed a number of logotypes, book designs and corporate identities.
Eliška Kudrnovská
Eliška graduated in graphic design at The Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague🔗. She collaborates with Designiq on the creation of magazines, books and corporate identities. Her designs for Forum magazine have won several awards.
David Dubec
David is an experienced designer with many years of practice. He is mainly focused on magazine and book design. He worked as a graphic designer in the Netherlands for several years.