Sochy mluví
The catalogue for the exhibition Sochy mluví (Sculptures Speak) from the Collections of The Regional Gallery of Vysočina🔗 in Jihlava curated by Ilona Staňková is divided into three parts called Personalities, Polis and Allegory is feminine. Jana Šašková and Pavel Petrov captured the sculptures with their lenses. The catalogue has 72 pages, measures 16.5 × 24 mm and is printed on Munken Pure paper in five colours – saffron is a Pantone 1365 U spot colour.

The publication has a fold-out cover – on the wide flaps are photographs from the exhibition

The catalogue is set with the grotesque Lektorat🔗 by TypeTogether, with the characteristic Black style used for the titles, in which the closed shapes of some letters merge